For adults charged with a felony, the Licking County Addiction Recovery Court (ARC) Program is offered to up to 40 (forty) persons who qualify for specialized drug treatment programming while on community control supervision. Persons eligible for community control who qualify for the ARC program will be supervised by Judge W. David Branstool and will meet with the Judge on a frequent basis, along with other program participants, to discuss and evaluate their progress and achievements.
How is the ARC program different from regular probation?
The ARC program and probation share commonalities such as drug testing, reporting to an officer and home visits. However the most significant difference is the role of the Judge in each case. Essentially, the judge is the probation officer seeing participants weekly during status hearings.
During these hearings, each participant stands before the judge and provides an update on their case. It is during these hearings that rewards and/or sanctions are also handed out as appropriate to the case.
Prior to review hearings, the treatment team meets and also provides the judge with updates on each case being seen that day. Participants are required to sign a release of information/waiver of confidentiality to permit the exchange of information regarding attendance, progress, participation and prognosis in the ARC Program and associated treatment activities.
The program is a minimum 14-month commitment comprised of four (4) phases as outlined below:
Participants progress through each phase by meeting minimum standards such as obtaining/maintaining employment, providing consistently clean drug screens, and showing growth and progression in treatment.
Who is eligible?
What resource does the ARC Program provide?
What is expected from each participant?
Each person in the program must continue to adhere to their original terms of probation with the addition of the following;
Admission to the program is VOLUNTARY and POST-CONVICTION only.
The applicant understands even if they are legally and clinically eligible they do not have a RIGHT to participate in the ARC Program. The ARC Judge has the discretion to decide the admission into and termination from the ARC Program in accordance with the written criteria for the specialized docket.
The Licking County ARC Program will not deny an offender admission to the program based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, citizenship, marital status, veteran’s status, or any disability.
If you are interested in the program, please download and complete the application and return to Stacy Robison, ARC Program Coordinator/Probation Officer at Licking County Adult Court Services, 2 N. First St., Newark, Ohio 43055,, (740) 670-5745.
Link to Application Form
Link to Participant Handbook